Central collection and publication of electricity generation, transportation and consumption data and information for the pan-European market.

Costs of Congestion Management

Costs of Congestion Management [13.1.C]
  • Control Area
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Time Interval Redispatching Costs Countertrading Costs Other Costs Total Costs
January 135742762.00 8070316.00 312.00 143813390.00
February 100435987.00 5613473.00 1529.00 106050989.00
March 141189776.00 3554445.00 29690.00 144773911.00
April 29436365.00 10898171.00 2609.00 40337145.00
May 31698005.00 7010649.00 689.00 38709343.00
June 24006802.00 11655217.00 59443.00 35721462.00
July 32672294.00 24073318.00 819.00 56746431.00
August 14640898.00 19114586.00 6085.00 33761569.00
September 37067994.00 36925470.00 5253.00 73998717.00
October 43019338.00 15314391.00 4961.00 58338690.00
November 26078235.00 9987657.00 12313.00 36078205.00
December 88106276.00 13899523.00 150815.00 102156614.00
In accordance with the definition in Art. 2 (26) of EU Regulation 543/2013, the costs for redispatching for Germany include as well the costs of multilateral remedial actions (MRAs), interruptible loads, feed-in management of renewables and activation of reserve power.
As there is currently no legal basis with regard to the amount of compensation for the settlement of redispatch costs in Germany, the displayed costs are preliminary values and may be subject to updates.